CHA Sharing Details

All Programs offer sharing of most healthcare needs on a percentage basis. Among other things, members share the cost of office visits (for both sick and well visits), diagnostic work, surgery, ambulance, emergency room, and hospital stays. All programs give the member the freedom to have their medical providers bill CHA directly, thus avoiding the burden of paperwork necessitated by self-pay.

All Programs have no illness limits and no lifetime limits.

All Programs have no waiting periods or pre-existing clauses.

Optionally, all members may participate in Dental and Vision sharing as well. See Overview of shareable and non-shareable items for more details.

Monthly share contributions vary by age and are billed for the first six members of the family. Additional family members are free.

Diabetic supply assistance is available with all programs at no additional cost.

The Board of Directors will continue to consider each case that exceeds the Annual Sharing Limit, and offer additional assistance where needed through the Brother-to-Brother Fund.

All CHA sharing programs are secondary to all other types of coverage or financial assistance except for state aid, who is always the payer of last resort.

If funds that are shared by CHA for the payment of medical bills are not used for this purpose, membership in the sharing program may be terminated.

With any CHA program, you remain personally responsible for your medical expenses. There is no guarantee that any medical expense you submit will be shared by other members.

Overview of Shareable and Non-Shareable Medical Services

All Shareable Items Are Applied To AMR and/or Shared unless otherwise noted.
Shareable only means an item or expense is eligible for consideration to receive an allocation of the sharing resources. It does not guarantee any form of payment.
Assistant SurgeonShareable
Cataract SurgeryShareable
Chiropractic CareUp to 12 manipulative treatments per year are shareable, as well as procedures that would be shareable if performed by conventional medicine providers.
Critical Care UnitShareable
Delivery RoomShareable
Dental AccidentsShareable
Diabetic SuppliesUp to $200/mo for non-insulin dependent, $400/mo for insulin dependent; not subject to AMR or % limit
Diagnostic TestingShareable
Direct Primary Care (DPC) Monthly SubscriptionsShareable at 50%, not subject to AMR
Disc Decompression TherapyShareable
Durable Medical EquipmentSome DME shareable - See Guidelines for complete list.
Emergency RoomShareable
Hearing AidsShareable with Limitations
Home HealthUp to 24 licensed personnel visits per year are shareable
Hospital Room & BoardShareable
Intensive Care UnitShareable
Maternity Care & DeliveryShareable except for take-home meds (includes pre-existing pregnancy)
Mental Health TreatmentShareable with exclusions
Nursery & Neo-natal NurseryShareable
Office & Out-patient SurgeryShareable
Office VisitsShareable
Operating RoomShareable
Out-patient IV InfusionsShareable
Physician Charges for Inpatient CareShareable
Plastic Surgery for ReconstructionLimited Sharing
Prescriptions & InjectionsLimited to meds used in hospital or surgery, chemo drugs, RhoGam or Progesterone for OB use
Pulmonary ProceduresShareable
Recovery RoomShareable
Skilled NursingShareable
Supplies for Outpatient Burn, Accident, and Respiratory NeedsShareable
Surgeons’ FeesShareable
Surgical Implants, including prosthetic, excluding dentalShareable
Therapy, including but not limited to Eye, Occupational, Physical, & SpeechShareable

Dental Shareable Items

Typical Dental procedures, including, but not limited to:
Routine Dental Exams
Teeth Cleanings
Simple Non-surgical Extractions
Dental Surgeries

Vision Shareable Items

Typical Vision procedures, including, but not limited to:
Routine Vision Exams
Contact Lenses
Vision Corrective Surgery