BAA USA Claim Form

Brotherhood Auto Aid USA
Claim Form

Section A - Policyholder Information

Section B - Vehicle Information

Section C - Comprehensive Claim

*If you choose a Section C item, please fill out Section D - How did the incident happen?

Section D - Collision Claim

Maximum file size: 15MB

Section E - Claim amounts

When there is a loss, you shall provide BAA with an estimate from a reliable body shop as to the repair work needed. Only one estimate is required if: (1) the body shop is owned by a member of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, or (2) the loss amount is less than $5,000.00, or (3) the vehicle is legally or mechanically not drivable, or (4) it is for a glass loss. If damage exceeds $5,000.00, only one estimate is required if the body shop obtains approval for their estimate from the BAA office before repairs with direct payment issued to said body shop. If two estimates are filed, BAA will make settlement according to the lowest estimate received. BAA will pay the lowest bid per rules and regulations. Checks will be issued to the policyholder unless other arrangements have been made. Non-Licensed drivers on public roads are not eligible for BAA Coverage.
Please list estimate amounts.
Please upload the complete estimates with this claim report to Brotherhood Auto Aid.

Maximum file size: 15MB
